There are three major hurdles to overcome for candidates who run in spring elections. One is fundraising. Two is reminding voters of another election almost immediately on the heels of the fall elections. Three is the cold, unpredictable weather.
The latter is out of all campaigns’ hands, but the two former can be solved by a candidate who is willing to put time and effort into knocking doors and delivering the right message.
Since the money raised in spring elections is traditionally much less than what is raised in fall elections, properly managing your budget is key. The most simple solution for candidates is to invest in high quality palm cards or door hangers that they can leave at doors they knock.
Many spring elections are run in geographic areas which can be canvassed by the candidate at least once, and recanvassed again by volunteers and the candidate. Since the cost to send mail is expensive, it can be prohibitive. A door hanger or palm card may be the only piece of lit a voter receives during a spring campaign and has to catch a reader’s eye and contain as much relevant detail as possible.
Palm cards and door hangers are cost effective and are the perfect compliment to a local candidate’s campaign. For information about how we can create professional, affordable literature for your campaign, email us today!