Go In Depth With Victory Enterprises’ Joe Lakin

Victory Enterprises Chief Development Officer and Objective Media CEO, Joe Lakin, recently appeared on the Agentic Shift Podcast. Lakin took...

Best Practices for Planning Video Content

By Ben Muehleisen If you’ve committed to making video a part of your campaign, whether for TV or online, you...

Why Video Is Important

When it comes to posting something on social media, it is done with one purpose - to be seen. That...

After You’ve Filed

Now that you’ve filed your nomination papers and petitions, and your signatures have been counted, certified and confirmed, what’s next...

Make Filing Day An Event

[spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom="no" pb_border_bottom="no" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] Filing Day is the official start date of your campaign. Even if you’ve started...

Getting On the Ballot

In the coming months, candidates will be required to start circulating nomination papers and petitions so that their name appears...

Better Digital Reach for Municipal Candidates

By Danielle Savage Hobbs If you’ve decided to run for school board, city council, or any other municipal office this...

Unique Yard Signs For Your School Board Race

Yard signs have always been and will always be synonymous with campaigns. They are a staple any formidable candidate has...

Client Testimonial

Guest Testimonial by Scott Crise, VE client and member of the Springfield Public School Board I decided to run for...

3 Reasons to Run for School Board

The spring elections are rapidly approaching and candidates for local office are lining up. Are you running? If not, you...

Facebook is Removing Political Detailed Ad Targeting Options

How it Affects Your Campaign In November, Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced that they would be...

Making The Perfect Fundraising Call

Most of us find it awkward to talk about money with others. As a candidate for public office, other people’s...

When to Hire Fundraising Help

A Guest Column By: Casey Burns Many candidates find fundraising to be the most difficult part of campaigning. Asking for...

Dos and Don’ts of Campaign Fundraising

Contributions by VE consultants Brett Dinkins, Whitney Michael and Brit Schiel Regardless of how many times someone has sought office,...

Executing a Campaign Fundraiser

Contributions by VE consultants: Brett Dinkins, Whitney Michael and Brit Schiel When a donor supports a candidate, it should be...

Squeezing Every Penny Out of Your Website

By Briana Langlois, Technology Director In the 9 years that I have been designing websites for our clients, I have...

Anatomy of a Fundraising Email

Contributions from: Brett Dinkins, Whitney Michael and Brit Schiel When raising money for your campaign, you are constantly in competition...

Beyond Social Media: What is Digital Advertising?

By: Charlie Puyear When you start a campaign these days, it is intuitive to start a Facebook page and run...

Launching Your Digital Campaign

Charlie Puyear, Digital Director Before announcing your candidacy, it is essential to have an online social media presence. You’ll want...

VE Digital on the Cutting Edge

By: Charlie Puyear, Digital Director Any candidate trying to get a digital campaign off the ground will quickly find out...

Don’t Take Our Word For It – Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying

Victory Enterprises has an extensive track record of winning local ballot issues. Our key to success is straightforward: Keep the...

Laying out the Keys to School Referendum Success

 Brian Dumas, CEO The saying that “all politics is local” is never more true when it applies to our community...

Top 5 Mistakes You Can Make When Managing a Bond Referendum

Winning the approval of voters isn’t just for candidates running for public office. If you’re considering a bond referendum to...

Changing Grassroots Organization

Victory Enterprises has been using Field Trust to change the frontier of grassroots organization. We’ve helped numerous candidates connect with...

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