Agree with it or not, early voting is easier and more accessible now than it has ever been at any point in American politics – and it’s here to stay. States that offer early voting allow for it anywhere from five to forty-six days before an election. This is an opportunity on which your campaign needs to capitalize.
In many states, there are two options to vote early. One is in-person at a municipal building or designated voting location, and the other is absentee voting, also known as voting by mail.
To remain competitive with your opponent, your campaign needs to have a plan in place to urge your supporters to get out early and vote.
Doing so is not hard. It can be as simple as a post on your social media page reminding supporters that early voting is in progress, or as involved as sending potential voters in your district a form they can fill out to register with their municipality to receive an early voting ballot by mail. Other options are including a blurb about early voting being in progress on a mail piece already going out, or sending text messages to lists of supporters
Regardless of your campaign’s method, not doing anything to urge voters to get out before Election Day is a mistake it should not make.