Last week, Brett Dinkins shared with us the importance of parades and why candidates should prioritize them once again. After a year of cancellations, the candidates that show up and show their support for community events will get the edge on anyone playing it safe.
This week, we’re talking about how to make the most of your parade experience.
“Too many candidates show up and drive through. This is a waste of time and resources,” says Victory Enterprises campaign consultant Brett Dinkins. “For an effective campaign experience, candidates need to assemble volunteers, collateral, and be ready to walk.”
After helping dozens of campaigns make the right steps for victory, Brett understands the formula for a strong parade presence. “I never attend a parade without a banner, lapel stickers, and palm cards. These three are essentials for boosting name ID and giving people something tangible to read and bring home.”
“After that, you may consider getting your volunteers t-shirts with your logo on them. This helps your team look cohesive and united.”
For the candidate themselves, it is very important they are walking the route, shaking hands, and passing out literature. This helps give people a friendly face to connect with the campaign. A volunteer can drive the car. The candidate should be with the people.
“A parade is a great way to show your grassroots strength and your ability to connect with voters. When you are organized, look united with your volunteers, and pass out your palm cards and stickers effectively, you make a strong impression on the citizens there to meet you.”
Brett’s final advice for a candidate looking to succeed during a campaign season is this: “Treat your volunteers to lunch. They just worked hard and you’ll want them to come back.”
Victory Enterprises has helped hundreds of candidates across the country prepare for campaign season. To get ready for your next parade, check out our online store to order t-shirts, banners, palm cards, and more!
If you don’t show up to a parade organized with a plan in place to get your information out, you might as well have stayed at home.