By Briana Langlois, Technology Director
In the 9 years that I have been designing websites for our clients, I have learned there are a few ways to encourage donations from your website.
A Clear Call To Action
First, you can’t be shy when it comes to raising money for your campaign. Many websites fail to utilize a clear call to action, hoping potential donors will naturally find their way to the donate button. When people arrive at your page, one of the first things they should see is the option to give. As people read about your campaign and get to know you, each page should point people back to the main goal; raising money.
Utilizing SEO
One of the more technical aspects of effective web design is effectively utilizing search engine optimization (SEO). SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Search engines look for keywords in your website to determine whether or not you’re a good match for what people are searching. To help people find you, make sure important metadata, such as your name, your area, and your political affiliation are repeated frequently throughout the site.
Search Engine Ads
Another way to optimize your visibility to potential donors and voters is to utilize search engine ads and display advertising. We talked about how these work in a previous article. When it comes to driving donations, these can be incredibly valuable. We can help you target your ads to the most likely donors and drive all that traffic to your website.
User-friendly Donation Forms
Finally, the most important aspect of effective fundraising through your website is an easy to use donation form. Whether you use WinRed, Anedot, or ActBlue, reputable campaign donation sites allow you to use plugins on your own website. This plugin will make it easy for people to donate through your website. It is important to offer amount suggestions, so donors can quickly select what they want to give. It is up to you and your website designer to ensure you capture all the correct information your ethics committee requires for fundraising.
Many people don’t know that Victory Enterprises actually started as a website design company. We knew that most campaigns weren’t getting their needs met by the current market options and needed something tailored to them. Our goal is to help you create a website that not only tells your story, but also drives fundraising. If you’re ready to get started, reach out to me at briana@victoryenterprises.com for a free quote and consultation.