As head of Victory Enterprises’ graphic design team, I work on everything from our websites and Virtual Reality experiences to palm cards and digital graphics. Our team is experienced...
Not many people get the unique opportunity to stand in front of a camera in their lifetime. Whether the idea excites you or stresses you out, rest assured that...
Social media is powerful. The growth over the past decade has been incredible. The ability to build brand relationships with consumers is unprecedented. But to me, the most...
Ever since I heard Gary Vaynerchuk, one of the most formidable marketing minds of our time, say this, it’s resonated so deeply. I understand what he means after years...
Campaign researchers are far behind their counterparts in the corporate/branding world when it comes to the adoption and (appropriate) use of qualitative research. Last year I took...
A good social media lesson can come from the most unlikely places. Have you seen the movie Office Space? Do you remember the scene where the restaurant...
I had the good fortune to visit LinkedIn in May and spend some time in a small group setting with the CEO, Jeff Weiner. Among other things, he talked...
Previously, I’ve discussed why every small business can benefit from a mobile app. Like any large project, the smartphone app development process has many steps. Brainstorming a feature-set....
Focus group moderators know that at least 75% of a group’s success depends on the quality of field services provided by the focus group facilities they use. Focus group...
These 21 rules for winning a campaign represent what one might learn in ‘basic training,’ but no matter how many campaign schools I teach, I find that it...