As a candidate, it is impossible for you to run a credible campaign without an online social media presence. Being active on social media and engaging with supporters and potential voters is as essential (and arguably moreso) as placing yard signs, sending direct mail, and placing buys for tv and radio commercials.
Let’s talk about three things you should know when you prepare to launch a candidate page on Facebook.
Getting Started Is A Process
Facebook is a business. Your campaign’s content will be seen, but only if you pay for it – And in order to set up an account to pay, your page must be authorized by Facebook.
Once a candidate page has been established, candidates who wish to advertise must prove they are who they say they are, and the steps involved in that take some time. Facebook requires confirmation of a candidate’s state or federal registration ID number, website, email address and phone number. If any of those items don’t match that of the candidate, approval is denied.
Our digital team is fully authorized to run paid advertising. They’ve set up many candidate Facebook pages, and they know the ways to make the process as seamless as possible for you.
Post Meaningful Content
There is such a thing as too much content. Posting links to lengthy academic articles, internet memes or multiple photos of you at a single event is going to get old for your viewers quickly, and it dilutes the relevance of good content when you post it.
Post content that sends a message to your community about who you are. Branded graphics highlighting issues of importance to you, FYI posts that, for example, walk a voter through the registration and voting process, or an “end-of-the-day recap” showing what you accomplished and where you’ve been on the campaign trail are worth highlighting in moderation.
And when you post content, be sure to spend money on the very best material you put up. That’s the material you want seen, and it will be money well spent.
Trust the Professionals
Yes, we know you have had a Facebook page since it was “The Facebook” in 2005, and that your high school aged child is well adept at social media posting, but that’s not enough to run a successful page.
Victory’s Digital team is an award winning group of experts who know the ins and outs of political marketing on social media. We will always answer your questions, but trust us when it comes to helping you create and disseminate content which will have the greatest impact, and put the most eyes on it.