Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer, and for candidates, it also marks the unofficial start of parade season.
We are all aware of the power of social media, so it is in the interest of your campaign to harness that power and get the most out of your hard work.
Before the Parade
In preparation of your next parade, create a Facebook event and invite your volunteers, family and friends to help. Be sure to include the date, time and location that everyone should assemble, and include your expectations of those you are inviting (what to wear, what to bring). Then follow that up with a post (or multiple) leading up to the parade date with the same call out for help.
During the Parade
Put a staff person or volunteer in charge of doing a live stream of your team during the parade. It can be a short snippet, or it can be a real time, behind the scenes look at the parade you are in. At the very least, make sure the candidate records a short piece about where they are and what they are doing.
Have another person in charge of taking pictures of the candidate walking, the decorated float or car, and the entire volunteer team before the parade kicks off. You’ll need these photos for the next phase.
After the Parade
As quickly as possible, upload the photos and any videos that were taken of the event. Often, parades will lead to community gatherings at a park or communal gathering space. Make sure to take photos of the candidate interacting with voters there, and don’t forget to include those photos in your photo dump.
Tag the community or sponsor of the parade in your post, and be sure to thank those who came out to watch.
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