Whitney Michael’s work and connections in Oklahoma have made her an invaluable asset to the VE team. She consistently brings in client after client and helps pave their path to Victory.
“I became acquainted with Victory while assisting on a statewide ballot initiative in 2016 for one of their Oklahoma clients,” said Whitney. “They were looking for someone to fill the open State Director role for Oklahoma and I was happy to take on the role.”
A graduate of Oklahoma State University (“Go Pokes!”) and University of Texas, Whitney Michael got her start in politics right after college as she looked for any and all opportunities to get involved. “Every opportunity that came my way, I tried out. I just wanted to be involved and it evolved over time into the position I have now.” One of her projects is helping young people get connected to politics. “It can be hard to know where to start, but hopefully we can help change all that.”
Whitney is helping bring internship positions to colleges around the country through CanvassUSA. Students can sign up through the website and be connected to paid work experience over the summer, working on a campaign. After that, students will be connected to new roles and given new opportunities to serve the campaign.
It’s an awesome opportunity for students to discover jobs and causes they can be passionate about. “We also see this as a great opportunity to train the future of the conservative party and get more young people involved,” says Whitney. You can sign up for more information on doorcanvass.org if you are interested in gaining paid campaign experience.
Whitney Michael brings incredible energy to our team at Victory and works hard to make sure all her clients have a strong advocate. No matter your budget or the office you’re running for, Whitney takes every race seriously and gives them her all. When asked why she likes working with Victory, she emphatically said, “The people! We get to work with great candidates and causes every day and it inspires me to see so many hardworking people stand up to fight for their communities. It’s an honor to help.”
2018 was a great year for Victory, but for Whitney especially. Going into the midterms, many of her clients had tough races to win. With her help and guidance, 100% of her clients across Oklahoma were elected to office, some with wide margins. Not only did she succeed professionally, but she also found time to get married in June to her now-husband Steve.
No matter the political climate of your state or community, consultants offer valuable resources that help put your campaign over the top. “Thanks to the digital age we are in, people are becoming more engaged in politics and are much more aware of what is on the ballot,” says Whitney. “Consultants help their clients access every tool they need to put their campaign over the edge. It is more important than ever to work with someone who has the experience and knowledge to see you through to Election Day.”
The number one piece of advice Whitney always gives her clients? “Be mindful of your budget! Time and time again I’ve watched great campaigns implode because they failed to manage their resources wisely. Figure out what your money can do and stick with the plan. A campaign can end before the race has started when you spend too quickly and your dollars are always best spent on voter contact. A consultant can also help you budget wisely to get the most out of your resources.”
Whitney Michael and her husband Steve have two Labradors, Aspen and Mac. They are avid fans of the St. Louis Cardinal baseball (their dog Mac is named after first baseman Mark McGwire) and enjoy traveling as often as possible. If you want to reach out and ask Whitney what a consultant could do for your campaign, send her an email at: whitney@victoryenterprises.com.