(Davenport, IA) Award-winning political consulting and media firm Victory Enterprises, Inc., today, announced the addition of Washington, D.C.-based GOP consultant, Christian Hulen. Since 2016, VE has won more than...
The start of a new school year is an exciting time. Students get to return to learning with their friends, and parents get to return to their kid-free daily...
Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer, and for candidates, it also marks the unofficial start of parade season. We are all aware of the power of social...
Once again, Victory Enterprises’ team was awarded three Pollies from the American Association of Political Consultants for efforts in the 2022 election. The three industry awards centered around Victory’s...
Win or lose, one thing every candidate must express to their team of paid personnel, donors and volunteers is gratitude. It doesn’t take much, but a little thanks and...
You’re a candidate running in this spring’s traditionally low-turnout election. You want to present yourself in the most professional way possible. You have a great message and momentum on...
Spring election turnout tends to be considerably lower than fall elections, so the ability of a candidate to stand out from one’s opponents is important. As we enter the...
There are three major hurdles to overcome for candidates who run in spring elections. One is fundraising. Two is reminding voters of another election almost immediately on the heels...
With the campaign rush over and the holiday rush just beginning, now is the time to think about holiday cards. We can help! We offer a wide variety of...
Last week we presented what candidates should expect while at their film shoot. Touching on the same topic – and given that right now is the time to be...